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Year 11 #50 Day Challenge

29th January 2019

Year 11 #50DayChallenge

Y11 after College study support sessions are now underway. Some students have been asked to attend particular subject sessions by their teachers, for others there is an open invite.

All Y11 students are encouraged to take part in the #50DayChallenge that involves the student attending an hour’s after school study support and undertaking at least one hour of independent study at home. Students collect a signature from the member of staff running the support session and one from home. If students complete five days of both school and home sessions they will receive a raffle ticket to enter a draw to win either a prom ticket, ‘class of 2019’ hoodie or a year book. Two prize draws will take place, one after half term and one prior to the Easter break. There is also the possibility of a substantial ‘electronic’ prize at the end!    

To assist students at home with their independent study they should make use of the VESPA activities undertaken during tutorials, there are also resources from subjects on the College website study support page.



If you require further clarification or more information please contact Mrs Laura Hocking Head of Progress Y11.
