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Maths Mock Exam Support 2020

14th January 2020

Year 11 Maths Mock Exams

 Next week (the week commencing Monday 20th January 2020) the majority of Year 11 will complete 2 mock GCSE Maths exam papers over the course of 3 Maths lessons.

 Students will be under exam conditions and arranged so that higher tier students are sat next to foundation tier students. This is to ensure that the questions are answered independently and results are a true indication of individual student performance. Access arrangements such as the use of a scribe, reader or extra time will be in place.

 Students need to come prepared with all the correct equipment. Exam packs can be purchased at a cost of £1 from Mr Eastman or ordered via ParentPay.

 The dates and periods of the mock exam are:



Monday 20th January – Period 3

Tuesday 21st January – Period 1

Friday 24th January – Period 1



C population






Monday 20th January – Period 2

Tuesday 21st January – Period 2

Monday 27th January – Period 3



H population





Final decisions regarding tiers of entry have to be made by Friday 7th February 2020, so the results of these mocks will aid that decision.


If your child has any concerns regarding the mock exam, please ask them to speak to their Maths teacher.


We wish our students all the best with their upcoming mocks.


Yours faithfully

 Mr P Eastman

Head of Faculty
