01326 572685

University Visit – Year 11

14th October 2022

As students start to think about their career after Helston Community College, we believe it is important to provide them with an opportunity to visit a university. As such, we have arranged for various year groups to visit Falmouth University in November 2022. The aim of these visit is to provide an experience of what university life is like, and to provide an opportunity for students to explore the various courses that are available locally.


Year 11 students in tutor groups A-D will visit Falmouth University on Thursday 03 November 2022.


Year 11 students in tutor groups E-H will visit Falmouth University on Friday 04 November 2022.

Students should wear their school uniform. Lunch will be provided by Falmouth University or they can bring a packed lunch. All students should bring a bottle of water.


On the day of the trip, students should register with their Tutor as normal and will then be taken to the bus park by their Tutors to meet the teachers and the coaches. We shall be returning in time for the end of the school day at 3.15 pm.


In order for your child to attend, you need to complete the Trip Consent Form. A paper copy of this form was given to your child on 10 October 2022. If you have not yet completed this form, please do so by 31 October 2022. In case the paper form has been lost, I have attached the electronic copy. Your child can also obtain a paper copy from either reception.


Please also complete the following electronic consent slip: https://forms.gle/rU4rcXMugkYhjhTf6