01326 572685

Online Safety Awareness

28th September 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,


At Helston Community College, we have an extensive set of procedures and support strategies for the safeguarding of our students.  However, we are always looking to develop this further. As part of this development, this half term, we will be focusing on student Online Safety and awareness of the associated risks.


Students in Years 7-11 will have an Online Safety awareness assembly during the week of the 10th of October.  This will be further supported by online safety lessons, as part of their PSHE and Computing curricula.   


As part of this awareness, we have attached some information, which we think may be of use to parents and carers in supporting young people. Please find attached a poster which details information about online safety and where to get help and support if needed.


We continue to encourage all students and parents/carers to report any concerns they may have to the Helston Community College Safeguarding team.


Thank you for your continued support in keeping the students at Helston Community College safe.


Kind regards

Mrs M Mugford

Assistant Headteacher