01326 572685

Maths team support for students

23rd May 2019

Dear Year 11 students,


One GCSE Maths paper down, two to go!

Paper 2 is on the 6th June - you have 2 weeks left to prepare for this exam.

On hwdiary you will find a list of predicted topics to help focus your revision.

You have also been assigned quizzes on MathsWatch to check you understand these topics.


You are also encouraged to complete the predicted papers on the following websites to help with your preparations for the second GCSE Maths paper:

https://www.onmaths.com/ (this predicted paper is self marking)

https://www.mathsgenie.co.uk/predictedpapers.html (there are detailed hand-written solutions to these papers on the website too)


Good luck to all of our students at Helston Community College!

Mr Eastman