01326 572685

Mental Health Advice and Help

Please see the information and links below where parents can seek advice.

The apps are a safe source of information that support children and young people locally in the Helston area and around Cornwall.

Kernow Connect
Kernow Connect offer free universal, targeted and specialist support for young people aged 11-19 years. This support includes some universal youth group services, 1:1 youth work, group work and 1:1 CBT support and specialist counselling with support from Dreadnought. Attached is more information about their services and their Silver Cloud online CBT support poster. For more information: 

https://services.actionforchildren.org.uk/kernow-connect/about-us/about-our-services/ and https://www.facebook.com/KernowConnect

Young People Cornwall
As described in last week’s email, Young People Cornwall offer free support in Helston via the Furry Youth Café and Support Hub. Young People Cornwall also provide free support for young people around the county with other projects including Wellbeing Practitioners 1:1 low-level CBT support, their Victim Care Project plus many more. Attached is a document with more information about the range of services that Young People Cornwall offer and a poster for their Support Hubs and the EmpowHer project for girls aged 13 – 18 years (to support young women and girls to increase their self-esteem as well as building their wellbeing through inclusive and meaningful social learning and action opportunities).

Dreadnought is a charity working with children and young people and they offer:
  • 1:1 support
  • group support
  • the Aspires project (for young people with a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Condition where they are supported to develop and improve their social skills, confidence, self-esteem and independence)
  • Sibs group support (for siblings of young people with additional needs and disabilities)
(Accessed through Kernow Connect for free or accessed directly but with funding required/costs for support) More information: https://www.thedreadnought.co.uk/   

White Gold Cornwall
White Gold Cornwall provide 1:1 mentoring for children and young people who: are vulnerable or at risk, present challenging behaviour,
are excluded from, or failing to engage in, education, lack confidence, self-esteem and/or social skills or are involved, or at risk of becoming involved, with the Criminal Justice System.
(Funding required/costs for support) More information: https://www.whitegoldcornwall.co.uk/

Reignite Project from Pentreath
Pentreath has their Reignite project which is a project for young people aged 14-24 who are experiencing emotional health issues and would like support to deal with personal issues and work towards achieving their vocational goals. Their Young People’s Advisors will work one to one with the young person, to identify their goals and support them to work towards and achieve them. This could be improving mental health, supporting the young person to apply and attend college, gain paid employment, take part in volunteering opportunities and more. More information: https://www.pentreath.co.uk/projects/young-people/re-ignite-2/  

Compass Project from The Chaos Group
The Chaos Group has their Compass project which supports young people aged 15-24 to find their direction into education, employment and training. More information: https://chaosgroupcornwall.co.uk/publichealth/compass/

Hunrosa provide sleep consultancy support around the UK but also have a NHS referral pathway uniquely in Cornwall which is accessed through the NHS and CAMHS. They also provide private sleep consultancy support at a cost and information about this support can be found on their website: https://hunrosa.co.uk/ They also have the Hunrosa Sleep Takeaway Cards that Hunrosa have developed working with the NHS. These Takeaway cards are free to download from the Hunrosa website and include information about a wide range of topics including:
  • The bedroom environment
  • Boundaries and expectations
  • Early mornings
  • Getting the timings right and the bedtime routine
  • Positive sleep associations for children
  • Sleep and additional needs
  • Teen Sleep
Plus many more
To read and download these Takeaway cards, visit the Resources page on the Hunrosa website: 

Comprehensive Sleep Resources, Tips, and Guides - Hunrosa

Bloom was explained in the previous email but attached are some frequently asked questions about the Bloom process that I thought would be useful to share with you in case you are considering making a Bloom referral. Referrals for Bloom are made via the Early Help Hub on a CAMHS referral form. More information about referring to the Early Help Hub: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/earlyhelp

SPACE (Supporting Parents and Children Emotionally) is a 5 week educational programme for parent and carers which aims for participants to better understand the impact that early life experiences have had on them and their children as well as supporting participants to develop strategies for building their resilience and that of their children. Over the five weeks, examples of topics covered include: toxic stress and strategies to manage it, attachment and protective factors, developing resilience, understanding child development and how best to support children and young people using a trauma informed approach and other topics. This is a programme developed by HeadStart Kernow and Rock Pool.
SPACE sessions are also promoted on the Together for Families page and sometimes sessions are held in the evenings and online to make it more suitable for working parents and carers.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/TFFCornwall

BF Adventure
BF Adventure has their Heads Out programme which is an early intervention programme for young people aged 12 – 16 to support with their mental wellbeing. More information: https://www.bfadventure.org/charity/#core and https://www.bfadventure.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Head-Out-Programme-Guide.pdf

BF Adventure also has a Head Out LGBTQ+ programme for LGBTQ+ young people aged 11 – 16. The programme includes group activity days which include outdoor activities and workshops. The programme is designed to support young people who may be experiencing difficulties around identity; bullying; relationships; accessing education; drug and alcohol use; isolation or ill mental health.
Funding is sometimes needed to access these programmes. Contact BF Adventure for more information.

Out of the Woods CIC
Out of the Woods offer play and creative therapy sessions for children and young people in Cornwall. Their sessions would need funding to access although they do have funded places for a SEN project for young people not in a mainstream setting. For more information: see attached documents and https://www.outofthewoods-therapy.co.uk/

Friends of Face2Face
Friends of Face2Face Cornwall offer emotional support and signposting for any parents, carers, friends or family members who support or care for a child with additional needs or disabilities. They run monthly drop in support groups around the county but one of their sessions is based at Camborne Community Centre. For more information about when this group is running, see their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FRIENDS-OF-FACE2FACE-CORNWALL-1332243113478705/

In Helston, CAST or the Cornubian Arts & Science Trust are a charity in Helston that run a wide range of events for children, young people and adults based around art and science. In the past, they have run free workshops and sessions for children, young people and families during the school holidays so it might be worth keeping an eye on their Facebook page for updates about their events and workshops in the summer holidays. They also run a Saturday art club in Helston for 12 – 16 year olds.
For more information: https://www.facebook.com/CASTcornwall and https://c-a-s-t.org.uk/

Tide Benow
Tide Benow offer forest school sessions for girls aged 8 -12 in Constantine near Helston. They “offer nature based experiences that build resilience, community and self-worth.” They run the sessions monthly on Saturdays between 10am and 3:30pm and are also offering summer holiday sessions. Individual sessions are £35 or they offer a block of 4 or more sessions for £32 per session. For those that need financial support, they do have a small bursary pot. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/TideBenowforestschool  and https://www.creativeroots.earth/forestschool
Mrs Charlene Price
Helston Community College
01326 572685 Ext 329

Amy Brooks
Community Facilitator – HeadStart (West)
07792 196334