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Duke of Edinburgh Awards

1st December 2021

Duke of Edinburgh Award
Certificate Presentation

On Wednesday 24 November, Mr Jenkins (Headteacher), Ms Martin (Deputy Headteacher) and Mr Semmons (DofE Award Manager) held a certificate presentation event for students who have completed the Duke of Edinburgh Award at the College.
We are enormously proud of the dedication and commitment shown by all participants, who have succeeded despite the added challenge of a global pandemic. In total, participants have given over 1000 hours of their time volunteering in the local community.

We are delighted to see an increase in applications from students this year. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is open to students in Years 9, 10, 11 and Post 16. If you and your child would like further information regarding what opportunities are available through the award, then please contact the HCC DoE Manager, Mr D Semmons (dsemmons@helston.cornwall.sch.uk).