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Transition News - FAO Year 6 Parents/Carers

8th March 2022

FAO Year 6 Parents/Carers

Ref: Transition to Helston Community College in September 2022


Following National Offer Day on 1st March 2022, we are pleased to be able to publish our transition programme for this academic year.


In the first instance, Year 6 students and their parents/carers should visit our transition website (https://transition.helston.cornwall.sch.uk) which contains everything that will be needed for transition, this includes:


  • Important letters and forms
  • Links to order school uniform and PE kit
  • A virtual tour of the campus and various videos from subject leaders
  • Subject activities for Year 6 students to complete
  • A monthly competition with prizes to be won
  • Regular updates via the latest news tab


Content will be continually added to the transition website and it will act as our main source of communication with Year 6 parents/carers, who will be prompted by their primary schools to visit the website at key points during the spring and summer term.


Please could we draw your attention to the initial letter to parents and Transition Time Line, which can be found under the ‘Forms’ tab.


Wishing your child every success in the next stage of their education.


Please note that primary feeder schools have been emailed and will shortly direct Year 6 parents/carers to this notice.